Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Costa Rica Conservation Trust (CRCT) is dedicated to Social Responsibility in its efforts to 'Save the Rainforest'

CRCT, an organization once working to buy land to place critical endangered rain forest under protection, now works alongside the local people to help them become the caretakers of the forest.

This task is not always easy and requires more time and resources than the traditional process commonly employed by conservation groups. There is also a lack of support and understanding of the social complexity of doing conservation work on behalf of funders and sponsors. consequently, CRCT suffers from funding issues.

Working hand-in-hand with local people is not always successful and requires a long-term approach. Education and advancement of sustainable income strategies are key. Sometimes results cannot be seen for years and they are difficult to quantify. The human element also means that evaluation costs are much higher and hard-line conservation must give way to sustainable development conversations - meaning that the forest IS used and extraction happens, but in a sustainable way. After all, houses, furniture, meat, crops and other resources must come from somewhere. Importing them from elsewhere does not make sense if the rain forest can supply them.

But even with all these obstacles, CRCT was able to accomplish many things:

- Establishment of a recycling center and waste management program in two rainforest communities.

- Reforestation of over 20 acres of buffer zones (with endangered trees).

- Establishment of an organic model farm in a rainforest elementary school.

- Establishment of an endangered tree nursery in a rainforest high school.

- Establishment of half a dozen sustainable pig farms (with biodigestors).

For more information on Costa Rica Conservation Trust, click here.

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